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Who is Gerber Kawasaki?

Gerber Kawasaki is one of the fastest-growing and most influential independent Wealth and Investment Management firms in the country. We are featured in major financial news networks worldwide. We proudly promote diversity, community, and integrity.

What is Gerber Kawasaki Wealth & Investment Management?

Taking its name from its two founders, Ross Gerber and Danilo Kawasaki, Gerber Kawasaki Wealth & Investment Management is an independent advisory with offices in Santa Monica, California and San Francisco.

What is the Gerber Kawasaki ETF?

The AdvisorShares Gerber Kawasaki ETF (GK) starts trading on Friday. The portfolio, subadvised and managed by Gerber, will invest in growth companies he believes are set to benefit from long-term changes occurring in a post-COVID economy.

What is Kawasaki?

“川崎”是中文译音,其罗马名为“KAWASAKI”,公司的名字是用创始人 川崎正藏 的名字命名的。 川崎重工起家于日本 明治维新 时代,1878年川崎正藏在 大藏省 的帮助下建立了川崎筑底造船所,1896年更名为株式会社川崎造船所,这就是川崎重工的前身,至大正时代的第一次世界大战期间已有蓬勃的造船业,经历昭和时代的二战、战后的日本经济急剧增长以至日本近代史及工业史,川崎重工仍为日本企业中的老字号之一。

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